Skateboarding is a sport that is found in the United States. Skateboarding is not a difficult sport, because many people think that skateboarding can cause severe injury. And when we do it right, and using protective, skateboarding is a challenging and exciting sport!

The price is quite expensive skateboard, prices ranged between USD 500,000.00 to USD $ 10,000,000.00. But skateboarding is not so hard to care.

First of all, if we want to play skateboard, use special shoes skateboard. Usually the shoe is a bit thick to protect the feet.

Second, use a helmet and elbow guards to protect vulnerable parts that if we fell. After that do the stretching or heating in order not to experience muscle cramps. After that, you can start a skateboarding game.

Tricks of the easiest for beginners is to slide. Body position must be correct. That is a straight body position. Position your left leg is behind the (tail) skateboard. While the right foot was in the middle. And vice versa if you left-handed.

Furthermore, for beginners is to jump, or often called Ollie. How to do is press the back of the skateboard (tail) with the left foot, then kick your right foot into the front of the skateboard (nose). The stronger you hit the tail of the skateboard, the higher the leap or Ollie can you do.

To practice Ollie, you can practice with a skipping stone, chair, or desk though. If you've mastered the trick, you will be easy to do tricks more difficult, such as kick-flip or rotate 180 degrees skateboard using the leg kick. Backside or jump while reversing the body, and the most difficult trick is the Grind or run a skateboard on a round iron rod.